Tysk indtryk af BIM i Danmark

Sidste år, havde vi besøg af Andreas Kohlhaas, fra GSP Network i Hamburg. Årsagen var, at han interviewede nogle danske tegnestuer omkring deres brug af BIM til brug for den tyske årlige publikation, “BIM – Building Information Modeling“, fra Ernst & Sohn.


Efter Andreas’ besøg i Danmark sendte han følgende hilsen til BIM Equity:

“It is a good time to thank You for your efforts to connect me to BIM users in Denmark. My intention visiting you last year was to deliver an article to the only BIM magazine in Germany currently. The scope of the article was to show how planning bureaus outside Germany introduced the BIM method. For that reason it was a pleasure to talk to the BIM managers of BIG and JUUL | FROST to interview them about their experiences and methodology.

In Germany a fast growing number of architects, structural and MEP engineers are modelling in 3D and actually use closed BIM concepts, but do not exchange these value data yet. The expression BIM a significant public awareness in 2014. So we see more and more planners demanding and providing models to streamline the planning and coordination process. The article hopefully gave those bureaus enough metrics for BIM introduction respect to time, invest, and necessary cultural change.

As a resume I think that the German AEC Industry either small, medium, or big can learn a lot from the nordic countries. Thanks to you and the Danish BIM Managers who contributed to the article and gave us an open minded inside look into their daily practice and skills.

Andreas Kohlhaas, GSP Network GmbH, Hamburg / Erkrath, Germany
mailto: ak@gsp-network.com

Skærmbillede 2015-09-09 kl. 15.43.23

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About Thomas Graabæk

BIM-hacker med trang til at missionere. Arkitekt med 10 års erfaring med skitsering, visualisering og projektering, altsammen i krydsfeltet mellem arkitektur og digitale værktøjer. Mit fokus er, at sikre det bedst mulige workflow fra første skitse til drift og vedligehold. Hér har BIM en væsentlig rolle...

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